Jim Tubman Chevrolet Rink


The Jim Tubman Chevrolet Rink is run through a joint partnership with the City of Ottawa and the Canterbury Community Association.

The Jim Tubman Chevrolet Rink was built and opened in 2017. It is located in the Alta Vista neighborhood in the Canterbury Recreation Complex off Arch Street or Canterbury Avenue. The unique characteristic about this outdoor facility is that it not only has authentic hockey boards around the surface, it is also completely covered to ensure usage in most weather conditions.

  • The outdoor rink gets significant exposure in the Winter season as it is open for free skate, shinny hockey, or mixed free time.
  • In the Summer, the ice surface is completely removed, creating open space for drop-in basketball, ball hockey and community events.
  • The surface is not available for rent when the ice is in
  • Inquiries regarding programs, or rentals should be sent to JTCrink@ottawa.ca
  • Inquiries regarding rink board advertising should be sent to rink@cca-acc.ca

This is a common community space and it is expected that all participants will respect rules of conduct expected in such a facility and that scheduled activity times are respected.